Upgrade WordPress to 4.1. The admin backend the connection times out and the server gets really slow:error “The server at domain.com is taking too long to respond.”

It looks like this is actually a common issue with this version of wordpress. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/multisite-extremely-slow-after-upgrading-to-41

1) Open database via phpMyAdmin
2) Open table “wp_options” and look for “db_version” entry.
3) If that entry has a number different to “30133” (in my case it was 27916), change it to “30133”.

If you are using MU muli-sites and all the multisites are having issues, try this:

WordPress MU uses one database and each blog gets his own tables with the blog id in the prefix, so once you install a network installation your database should have these tables:

wp_1_options,wp_2_options,wp_3_options, etc. Check multisites for the same database version and change accordingly.

Check the mail options table.

mysql> SELECT option_value FROM  wp_1_options WHERE option_name = 'db_version' LIMIT 1;
| option_value |
| 30133        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Check multisites for the same database version and change accordingly.

mysql> SELECT option_value FROM  wp_2_options WHERE option_name = 'db_version' LIMIT 1;
| option_value |
| 27916        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Find the process


12399 root      20   0  120m 3040 1316 R 100.0  0.1  21488:30 perl
 1083 root      20   0 10404  728  644 R 98.7  0.0  23601:08 libcrypto.b

ps aux | grep

Find the process

root     12399 99.9  0.0 123316  3040 ?        R    Feb05 21490:06 perl -n -e /\b\S+\@(btinternet).\S+\b/ && print $&,"\n";  /var/lib/yum/yumdb/c/fcb244c0a5e60a026aed0bc937e76c6b01b4

Note the time

Feb05 21490:06 

Time is in minutes

ps -eo pid,etime | awk '/^12399/ {print $2}'

14 days, 22 hours, 24 minutes

To install ntp on Ubuntu, Linux or debian based distribitions

# apt-get update
# apt-get install ntp

To install ntp on Fedora, Centos or redhat based distribitions

# yum install ntp
After you set your timezone correcly, you should be able to synce your date and time with ntp command

# ntpdate pool.ntp.org

# ntpdate 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org
19 Feb 18:42:09 

You can edit the file /etc/ntp.conf to control certain variables with the NTP service, and can start and stop the file using “/etc/init.d/ntp [status|start|stop]”.

For reference, the web root of all websites on your server are in this format:


Now that we know the basics of where things are, we can make the changes.

Go into the PHP Settings page for the domain that needs access to the second domain (example.com in this case, use the guide at the top of this article if you’re not sure how to find this area in Plesk).

Then change the open_basedir option to Enter custom value and append your domain’s full path to the entries in the box. You should end up with something that looks like this :


What this means is that the domain you are currently modifying (example.com) can now access its own files (webspaceroot), the server’s temp folder (tmp) and the other domain you have added (/var/www/vhosts/example.org/httpdocs).

You can add as many locations as you need, separated by colons. Once you’ve done that, you should get something that looks like this:

The purge binary command fails – no logs are deleted and the process hangs:


Checking the error log:

ERROR 3 (HY000): Error writing file './mysql-bin.~rec~' (Errcode: 28)

The PURGE BINARY LOGS command requires free space to be able to clear the logs, which is why this command was failing. To be able to run the command please to stop MySQL, zero the first binary log and also remove it from the mysql-bin.index file. Restart MySQL, run the command:


If you get this error

ERROR 1373 (HY000): Target log not found in binlog index

Check the date. Since the binary log was from September 4th, ran the following:


Now the log files up to that date will be purged. If you are not using replication, you can most likely disable the binary logging unless you have this enabled for easier data recovery.

How to add notifications email to Plesk Health Monitor

Edit the config file:

nano /usr/local/psa/var/custom-health-config.xml

Add the email notification

I added them just before the first line "<Hdd>":

Restart the services:

# /etc/init.d/psa-health-monitor-notificationd restart 

This roundcube error happens after an update on a plesk panel

Error accessing roundcube after upgrade
ERROR- Plugin Manager Center -
Branch: http://dev.myroundcube.com
(Roundcube v1.0.5)

Misconfiguration: Unregister markasjunk2 in ./config/main.inc.php.

You can't register a plugin in main.inc.php which is configured to be loaded by Plugin Manager.


Reinstall roundcube in the plesk panel under Update and upgrades